Consign it Instead for Extra Cash
There are two ways to sell your Classic Car, Truck or motorcycle. That would be cash on the spot or our Classic Car Consignment program.
The cash method is pretty much self explanatory. We look over your car, make you an offer and when you accept, we pay you in cash or in whatever manner you wish. We then arrange a complimentary ride home in a nice clean Uber car, providing you don’t live in Connecticut!
Classic Car Consignment is a little different. We check out your car and then we agree on a price that you would receive. We enter into a written agreement which good for thirty days stating that when the car sells you will receive that agreed upon price. Whatever we get above that agreed upon price is what we keep. You leave the car with us, we display it here at our established Venice Blvd. location and we aggressively market the car on your behalf. We are the experts in selling classics and we will treat you right.
The advantage to you is this: because we don’t have to lay out our cash in advance, we can pass that on to you which means more money in your pocket when it sells.
We detail it, take lots of high quality pictures, list in on our website, market it to our foreign buyers, list it on Craigslist and eBay.
Our track record is almost 100% and the only reason why cars don’t sell in thirty days is price. So in that rare occasion we can renegotiate the price and go for another thirty days if you choose.
Dennis Buys Cars and Dennis Buys Classic Cars is a full service, licensed and bonded California Dealer. We have been at the same location for thirteen years now. We buy Classic Cars, Trucks. We also buy late model cars, trucks, and SUVs. We even buy motorcycles!
Don’y forget, we have a growing inventory of Classic Cars for sale!
We sell late model cars too!
Check out our reviews on Yelp and our fun video testimonials.
Vivienne Explains Classic Car Consignment
Dennis Goddard: So we have the lovely Vivienne here and were talking about her Mustang. So Vivienne tell us what we’re doing today?
Vivienne: I just sold my car, I sold it via Classic Car Consignment. I had purchased it from Dennis originally a few months ago and I had it for a while and I decided to sell it to buy a new car. So I brought it back to Dennis and sold it via Classic Car Consignment.
Dennis: So tell us exactly how did that work?
Vivienne: So basically rather than selling it for cash upfront, I was able to make more money thru Classic Car Consignment. Technically it takes about 30 days but it only took 2 days before Dennis was able to sell it and I was able to get the money.
Dennis: So what we did was we agreed upon a price and within 30 days we sold the car. And when we sold it to the new person you come down and pick up the set price.
Vivienne: Yes, it was all very easy and I think everyone was happy at the end of it and I was so happy it happened so quickly.
Dennis: So we were able to get you a little extra money via the Classic Car Consignment method cause we did not have to outlay any cash. We found a buyer for you, they came down and bought it,
Vivienne: Yup, and then I picked up the cash.
Dennis: And then you picked up the cash, So how would you rate your overall experience with our Classic Car Consignment program?
Vivienne: Out of 5 stars, 5!
Dennis: We got 5 stars. Great well thank you so much, we really appreciate it and maybe one day we will have another classic car
you might like.
Vivienne: Yes, that is very likely actually. Thank you
Classic Car Consignment
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